Autobiography of an executioner axe
Autobiography of an executioner axe
Autobiography of an executioner axe book...
Robe and axe of Giovanni Bugatti, the official Papal executioner who executed 514 people
Giovanni Battista Bugatti, known as Mastro Titta (Senigallia, 1779 – Rome, 1869) was an Italian executioner of the Papal States who executed 514 people during his 68 years of activity.
He became an executioner at the age of 17, in 1796.
Bugatti noted 516 names of the executed, but two convicts are subtracted from the account, one because he was shot and the other because he was hanged and quartered by his aide.
On August 17, 1864, he was replaced by Vincenzo Balducci and Pope Pius IX granted him a pension, with a monthly pension of 30 scudi.
Mastro Titta carried out sentences throughout the pontifical territory.
In Valentano, at the historical archives, it is possible to find the testimony of his first execution in the locality of Poggio delle Forche, written in the first person: “On March 28, 1797, I beat with a mallet and ripped Valentano Marco