Hazrat hafsa bint umar biography of abraham

  • Hazrat hafsa bint umar biography of abraham
  • Zaynab bint khuzayma.

    Hafsah was one of the daughters of the great Companion and Khalifah 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab. She was also one of the Mother of the believers as she was married to the Prophet, peace be upon him.

    In Arabic, Hafs is one of the names given to the lion.

    Hazrat hafsa bint umar biography of abraham

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  • The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), would often address 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) as Abu Hafs (the father of Hafs, i.e. Hafsah).

    Her Marriage to the Prophet

    Before being married to the Prophet (peace be upon him) she was married to a man known as Hisn ibn Hudhafah.

    He witnessed the Battle of Badr and then fell ill at Madeenah and died, leaving Hafsah widowed. In those days it wasn’t looked down upon to offer ones daughter or sister in marriage to a man the woman’s guardian approved of.

    Hazrat hafsa bint umar biography of abraham lincoln

    Arabs liked to marry their daughters off at an early age and if they were widowed, to get them married as soon as possible. This is why, when Hafsah became a widow it worried and distressed ‘Umar. One day he walked to the house of Ab