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    Members include Juan Alderete (joined group, 2004), bass; Cedric Bixler Zavala, singer; Ikey Owens, keyboards; Marcel Rodriguez-Lopez (joined group, 2005), instrumentalist; Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, guitar, producer; Jon Theodore, drums; Jeremy Ward (died on May 25, 2003), sound technician.

    Addresses: Website--The Mars Volta Official Website:

    Cedric Bixler Zavala and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, former members of the hardworking and influential emotional hardcore act At the Drive-In, are the same brains behind the more progressive and psychedelic band the Mars Volta.

    Featuring a similar intensity that helped At the Drive-In create such an impact, the Mars Volta create music that is a hodge-podge of the progressive sounds of Rush, Yes and King Crimson, the free jazz theories of Miles Davis, th